快乐学中文 用中文!
CALL 484-362-9156
Chinese Community Learning Center
费城 大学城 中文学校 社区支持 课后课程 暑期班
(Chinese after school class)
Come learn Chinese and enjoy fun activities.
“Happily learning Chinese” is one of the specialty classes that CCLC brings to the community.
The goal of the CCLC After-School program is to provide a Chinese learning environment, encourage community spoken Chinese, and set the students on the path to strengthening the passion for learning, helping one another, and advance as a group. All this is done through a fun and diverse curriculum paired with flexible teaching methods. Under the influence of our wonderful teachers, these students enjoy their learning and growing opportunities and gain endurance and resilience not only in learning a language but also in other fields of their lives. The program also incorporates fine arts classes such as dancing, choir, painting, and a host of other activities to enrich the after-school period of these students. The students are placed in classes that meet their level of Chinese proficiency, and each student gets the education that best fits them.
CCLC课后班的目标是通过丰富有趣的教学内容和灵活多样的教学方式,为孩子们提供一个中文学习环境; 督促孩子们在同龄人的群体里一起使用中文,激励学习热诚,彼此帮助鼓励,共同进步; 在有爱心的老师带领下每天学习和享受成长的乐趣,以致能够长期坚持,达到中文听说流利,并能自主读写的水平。同时把才艺课目(绘画和舞蹈以及其他兴趣活动如声乐训练,烘培,编织,球类,棋类等)也融入到课后班的学习中,以减轻孩子和家长周末学习负担。课后班将按孩子的中文水平分班上课,并给每个孩子不同的要求,因材施教。
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